My Calling: Argie P. Yañez
Bachelor of Science in Nursing,
Liceo de Cagayan University,
Registered nurse
Every Sunday, I report to School which is Liceo de Cagayan University. I'm on going for my Master in Nursing Degree in which I put my Major in Medical Surgical Nursing. My purpose with this matter is to pursue my calling as a Nurse. Being in Graduate study in Liceo is another journey of become a total person. I was once a young boy who has the heart of helping and willing to take care of others. With that, I took Nursing in order for me to really connect with other people and for me to serve them with my own hands. It is really my passion to serve and help others. My heart longs to everyone who are seeking for help and more especially to those who are in need of my service. I wrote about this, it is because I want to make this as a memorable not for me when I started my Masters in Nursing. Soon, by 2013. I will graduate and be able to get that degree. It would be another credit for myself, my family, my friends, and most especially to God. I make this profession as my ministry in which I am committed to do the best I could and marry it like marrying a partner. I do believe that this journey will not just be an easy one. But i know that this will be a challenge for me to move on and rise for the future. Becoming somebody is making your best effort to be somebody. I do believe that all things work together for good to those who seek God first.
The University Seal (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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