
Art of Optical Illusion

Now... lets see..
Try to observe the picture. Then, you move backward at least 3 meters and look at the picture again.

Try to observe The circles in between. The circle from the left side and the right side. Are they equal in size?
Yes, they are equal.

Is this possible?

Observe carefully...
Now, You move backward but you should look at the center circle or the white circle and move forward.
Have you observe something!
Amazing right...

Lets see of how good you read...
Try to read those as fast as you can...

How many black dots?

How many are they?

If you have seen 9 or more you are Very Observant...
If have seen 8 of it. You are observant.
If you have seen 7 you are average.
If you have seen 6 below... try to improve you visual observation.

Have you seen something here?
An old and young woman...

Moving right?
But, it doesn't....

Try to observe the picture...
Move backward at least three meters then you will see something different...

Move to the left and to the right...
Moving right...?
Anyway, there are lots of optical illusion... try to search the google and you'll see more... Artistic and creative right? I hope you had a great of time...

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Images and Angles

Try to observe the architectural design. Isn't it simple but artistic?


Look at the pattern... What do you think it looks like?

Very pretty... the beauty of it is not just by the design but also the effects of the light that made it more visible in its contrast and brightness.

Isn't it amazing. The previous photo of this was on a different angle. Now, it shows different structure compared to the previous one.